Since 2014, Stream Link Education has planted nearly 41,000 trees with the help of over 5,200 volunteers. Click here to see where we’ve worked!
We have received the Frederick County Sustainability Award, the Fort Detrick Commander’s Environmental Award, and the Chesapeake Forest Champion Award.
We owe a huge THANK YOU to each of our landowners, financial sponsors, and volunteers for making all of this work possible!
who we are:
A dedicated crew powered by our amazing volunteer force
What We Do:
Plant forests to establish riparian buffer zones and educate the public about the connection between trees and streams through volunteer events
Frederick County, Maryland
Every fall and spring we host a variety of volunteer events
Our mission is to connect the Frederick community to conservation and restoration through volunteer events. We teach individuals how to become environmental stewards through hands-on work involving tree planting and maintenance.
Our vision is to reforest Frederick County acre by acre, creating riparian buffer zones that will protect the Chesapeake Bay watershed. We will buffer the waterways from overland flow of water carrying pollutants, stabilize stream banks to prevent further erosion and increase resilience to extreme weather events, and provide large stretches of forests to enhance wildlife habitat.
We value collaboration, innovation, and hard work.
If you are interested in having trees planted on your property, click here for more information!
Thank you to our funders, Maryland Department of Natural Resources, CHESAPEAKE BAY TRUST, FirstEnergy, and One Tree Planted!
Check out these SLE YouTube videos below to learn more:
Fall 2021 Season:
Fall 2017 Season: